Wrapping It Up! (late post)

I was super busy these days that I didn’t even have rest days for two weeks due to the under staffing of our hospital. I can sometimes feel the stress but I am happy with my work.. Every time I give my holistic care to my patients, that unexplainable feeling inside me is telling me something I can hardly grasp.


For the past two weeks, my feet were just roaming around the hallways and rooms of my patients. I realized I only went home to sleep then got up for duty again. Sometimes, my mind keeps on telling me to give-up and have a rest…

Giving medications to  8/9 patients is not an easy task especially if their medications are given through IVTT.. You have to know “MR. TIME MANAGEMENT” and not to forget the basic rights in administering medications.

 But then I realized that all the hard tasks in my profession are now part of my life. I then, promise to myself that I will always try me best  and keep on the motivation to work everyday though most of the time we have a toxic shift. 

I also thank my supportive workmates for being there with me, for making the work more easier because we get along… (buyag!) hehehe. Furthermore, I also thank those patients who give us foods during their discharge. hehehe


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